Monday 22 October 2012

How the social networking affect the society?...

many of us have one or two or more of social networking account (e.g Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Myspace and etc)
and I am one of the user of this social networking..i used to addicted to it and still learn on how to manage it or reduce the usage of it..maybe i should pay or hire someone who can slap me if i'm online when i'm doing an assignment like this guy., there are bad and good sides of social networking and we as the user need to know whether these will give benefit to us or can be a liability to us. here some of my opinion on positive and negative effect of social networking sites.

  • can interact with others... don't have to hang out at kedai mamak anymore.
  • expose with new point of view, ideas and opinion...not like katak bawah tempurung.
  • become  more familiar with new and emerging technologies...
  • keeping in touch with friends, family or boyfriend/girlfriend who live far me..hehehe.

  • isolation - do not have physical contact with real friends and family.
  • invasion of privacy.
  • stalking and misbehavior.
  • decreased the me too...huu..
  • identity theft.

how to stay safe?....
  • do not post private information...such phone number, address, social plan and etc.
  • utilize the PRIVACY setting on your account.
  • do not post anything which can embarrassing you someday....

1 comment:

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